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Our projects

Project Juan is a registered Australian Charity devoted to helping under-privileged communities, non-government organizations and local community programs in the Philippines. With current projects in Anajawan Island, Siargao and San Pedro, Manila our aim is to create a vision and help develop long term goals to help improve the future for everyJuan we meet.

For more information about our charity click the link >


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Located an hour away by boat, Anajawan is the most remote island of Siargao with a population of approx. 500. Due to it's location, the health, education and livelihood of people are impacted. Click here to find out more about our work in Anajawan.

Get on board

Your financial contribution can make a big difference in the lives of Barangay Anajawan and the kids of Sabado kids. To support us by making a financial donation, click here.

If you're in Siargao or planning a trip and would like to help out in our projects. We'd love for you to come along and get involved! Register here.

Stay in touch with us! Contact us by following this link.


We also accept books, medical supplies and school supplies to send through our donation boxes. Please send us a message to arrange the donation.


A small initiative, creating a big difference. Sabado Kids is a family run program wherein kids would gather every Saturday in order to learn and play. Click here to find out how you can help.

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