Alden Viado
Co-founder & Director, Head of Project Development

"I had a comfortable life, I had what I needed but in the end, it made me realise this is not the way I want to live.
I want purpose, fulfilment and I want to do something that makes a difference.
I want to put that smile on a child's face and/or help a family make a home.
So I decided to start Project Juan."

Aljeenne Galang
Administration & Lead - Project Juan Australia

" "
Jonas Guevara

Co-founder and Head of Logistics
"Looking back, I wanted to do lots of things but it never really materialised because I didn't know how to start. I knew in my heart I wanted to give back to the community, help people and hopefully in the future be an inspiration to others and build a legacy as a group and as an individual. I want to live with this purpose, that is why I helped start Project Juan."

Jerem Guevara
Co-founder, Head of Finance and Project Lead of Sabado Kids

"The main purpose of joining Project Juan is giving back.
'Give and it will be given to you... For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.'
Whatever we do, or earn, it is from Him, and we are to give back to those who are in need. (Luke 6:38)"
Esther Lopez II
Social Media Manager

"I always feel the joy & genuine fulfillment every time I see those smiles from young ones & other people when I get the chance to help them, though I may not have much to offer still, it feels like I’m truly living the real purpose of being here, to help others and those in need in any way possible even in simplest form of act that I can. Being part of the Project Juan team is a blessing for me, a team where we share the same passions & dedications “To give back to the ones in need.” together as Juan."

Ervie Ann Conte
Anajawan Coordinator


Dave Plaza
MSWD / Siargao Coordinator